Coaching is a partnership in thinking, aimed at unleashing your potential.

Coaching is not mentoring, consulting, or therapy. Coaching is focusing on the present to influence the future.

A coach is not necessarily an expert in your field of expertise. As a matter of fact, having no or little knowledge about your business is a benefit. Refraining from giving advices helps the coach to give you space to think, without limiting you to use ready solutions that might have worked for others but might not be the best ones for you

You have all it takes to overcome your challenge.
You just need a small boost to initiate the chain reaction.

A coach has one goal and focus: your success.

It all starts with actively listening. It is then through curiosity and questions that the coach helps you find a solution to a challenging situation you are facing. or to clarify the next steps to achieve that goal you’re targeting.

Working with a coach will help you grow and overcome challenges.

“Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance.
It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”

― Sir John Whitmore (pioneer of the executive coaching industry)