Mind the coach, coach the mind

Hi! My name is Roberto. I would love to be your coach and help you achieve your goals. But I won’t give you any ready solutions. Because you have them already. You just need to discover them, from within yourself. I will help you with that.

Would you need a coach like that?

If you asked me that question 10 years ago, I would have had my doubts. For me, a coach was a sports related figure: a coach gives advices, teaches players how to do stuff better so that they improve their performance. I had a brief experience coaching kids in a local basketball team and – honestly – that’s exactly what I did. 

Helping others to succeed has been a recurring theme in my work career. I’ve had several leadership roles and tried my best to keep a servant approach to catalyze the success of the team. I’ve worked with very talented people and realized something along the way.

There is untapped potential in each of us. With coaching, you can unleash that potential.

That’s when I started looking into business and career coaching. I realized that, sometimes, you don’t need direct advices or ready solutions. You need somebody to partner with you and help you realize things that you knew all the way. They are just stored in a remote part of your mind, waiting to be found.

So, I went on and learned a lot about active listening, awareness, powerful questions, maximizing performance, unlearning. I became a certified business coach. And I noticed that using a coaching approach made a big difference when interacting with someone who struggled with a difficult decision or was unable to plan how move forward.

Coaching will help you grow and achieve your goals.

The focus is on you and what is already there, inside your mind. “Mind the coach” is the name I chose for this endeavor. I played with the words to both have you – my future client – be “aware of” the power of coaching and also highlight the “mind” aspect.

My mission is to ignite your thinking process. I want to help you make sustainable plans to use your full potential, so that you can overcome your challenges and achieve your goals. 

Sit down and take a deep breath. Do you feel stuck with something? Get in touch.

I have seen this working from personal experience. I have had coaches working with me when I could not find focus or had a difficult decision to make. They helped me reflect, find a solution or make a plan without offering any advice. 

Now, it is time for me to do the same with you. Let me coach you to unleash your potential and help you achieve greater things.

To celebrate the beginning of this journey, I’m offering two 5-session (60 min each) coaching packages completely free of charge for new clients!

Hurry up and click on the button below to get in touch.